

About This Project

The Cancer-Related Analysis of Variants Toolkit (CRAVAT) is an evolving web-based suite of informatics tools for genomic variant interpretation that includes:

  • variant mapping (genome<->transcripts<->protein sequence<->protein structure)
  • extensive integrated annotation of variants, genes, and proteins
  • variant impact scoring, including joint prioritization of all nonsilent variants
  • structural and mechanistic visualization.

Results from CRAVAT submissions are explored in an interactive, user-friendly web-environment with dynamic filtering and sorting designed to highlight the most informative variants and genes in your study. We provide parallel, high-throughput processing of studies that can include many sequenced samples and millions of variants. CRAVAT jobs can be run on our public web-portal or you can run your own local CRAVAT server as a Docker container. Programmatic interfaces and links to our visualization services enable easy integration with other methods for omics analysis. CRAVAT was a project between the laboratory of Dr. Rachel Karchin at the Johns Hopkins University and In Silico Solutions, LLC. Rick Kim, Oak Bioinformatics’ CEO, was a lead developer of CRAVAT at In Silico Solutions, LLC.

GUI, Visualization, Web Server